The Villages Woodworker’s Club


Board of Directors Meeting


Thursday May 25, 2017


Board members in attendance: Bill McGinnis, Conway Williams, Frank Giaccone, Bernie Harkins, Sandy Moraco, Harm Borfitz, Bob Bell and Sandy Fuller.  Absent: John Herega


Others in attendance: Mike Borfitz, President - Jim Spallone, Vice President - Doug Parks, Treasurer - Patty Porter, Secretary and Anne Belle, Office Administration.


Meeting called to order at 6:55pm.


Quorum established based on the Board of Directors in attendance.


Motion to approve the April 23, 2017 minutes made by Bob Bell and second Conway Williams and unanimously approved by all.


Officer’s Reports:


President – Mike Borfitz

Our total members and volunteers, as reported at the general membership meeting, is well over 900. Growth is at what we have anticipated.


IT is looking for a backup volunteer to work systems and hardware.  A help wanted ad will be placed in the newsletter.  Pass the word along if you know of anyone who may be interested. IT will not meet again until the fall, key members are available by phone if needed.


The librarian previously selected to oversee the library had been inactive.  Therefore, at the general meeting a call was made for a new librarian.  I’m pleased to announce that Mary Anne Main volunteered for this position. Mary Ann is presently on summer vacation and will return the end of July.


A letter has been sent to Randy Gumble with USSI with a copy to their home office ending our cleaning contract effective 06/01/17.  Member, Jim Ashey and his daughter, will be taking over the cleaning of the front office, restrooms, floors in the carver’s room, break room and back office as of 06/01/17.  They will clean on Monday’s, Wednesday’s and Friday’s for $250.00 per month.


Frank Ross with the Daily Sun will write a story for the newspaper on Steve Mendleson’s softball carvings and his building of a coffin. As well, as a story on Stephan Yovan’s building of a canoe for his grandson.


A meeting is scheduled with The Villages District Manager, Janet Tutt on June 6th to discuss what can be done to relieve overcrowding in the shop.  Information will be reported as it becomes available.  


Vice President – Jim Spallone:  Mike Bersky with Lady Lake reported once sodding and the final inspection of the paving project is done the cart path will be officially opened. Even though folks are presently using the cart path now.  The club’s contribution to have the cart path paved has been reduced to $2,200 verses the proposed $5,500, this is the result of the project having been over bid.


Anne Bell mentioned the shrubbery coming off the golf cart path coming out of The Villages is blocking the right of way view.   Jim will notify Property Manager Tom Tritt, about having these shrubs trimmed.      


Treasurer – Doug Parks: Financial Reports: Balance Sheet as of April 2017.  Total Liabilities and Equity $329,939.13 and Profit and Loss Budget vs. Actual January thru April 2017 – Net Income $6,804.72; Budget $7,753.83; Over Budget $-949.11 and % of Budget 87.76%.  


Questions; Anne Bell asked if the purchase of the two-recent computers listed under the Capital Budget verses Office Administration.  Doug will double check to let Anne know of any adjustments to the budget.


Note: The Current Profit and Loss Statement is posted in the back office. 


Other Reports

Office Administration – Anne Bell: Dick Besler, Member Certification asked Anne to present Jim Collins case on his behalf.  Dick asked Board to waive Mr. Collins 2018 dues, because he was not able to complete his certification due to illness. Mr. Collins is a seasonal resident and will return in 2018 to complete his certification. Dick is maintaining regular contact with Mr. Collins.


Discussion: Board surmised since Mr. Collins has not completed certification he’s not technically an official member.   Motion to waive Mr. Collins 2018 dues made by Conway Williams and second by Harm Borfitz unanimously approved by all.


Shop Maintenance/Administration – Dave Adamovich:  Not in attendance.  


Toys – Conway Williams:  Production report; In May produced 582 toys with year to date production of 2918 toys. We are down 247 toys from 2016. However, we’re still on track in production.  In May shipped 300 toys with year to date shipping of 1832 toys with donation value of $12,789.  


The new racking is in and put together. However, the rollers are missing and Bob Behrens is chasing them down. The racking will be completed once the rollers arrive.  The attic will be cleared out upon his return the first week of June. We’ve gotten rid of two carts of wood in the wood shed. We’ve have added/changed shelving in the toy area in the shop, thanks to Bob Behrens.  We were rained out for Toys on the Square at Spanish Springs last night.


Committee Updates:   

Safety Committee – John Herega:  Harm Borfitz reporting for John; Harm explained the safety committee’s program to have instructors provide safety instructions to students during the first class, is held up due to the unavailability of the Manager of Education Bob Matthews. 

Discussion:  Mike explained that all the managers were asked to provide a backup, however Bob did not provide a backup to fill-in when he’s not available.  Mike will, again, ask Bob to provide a backup, if he not able to provide, a request will go out for same.


The beginners “Intro to Turner” is still waiting for the completion of the test. The committee is still considering to install sliding curtains between lathes to keep members from being hit from flying pieces of wood. Charlie Amante, asked the committee to address the need for proper safety zones around the equipment due to overcrowding in the shop. The committee concluded that we have too much equipment for the space we have and short of removing equipment and reconfiguring the shop, there is not much that can be done, other than expanding the floor space.  Jack Tagye suggested a window be installed in the door in the northeast corner of shop.  He was nearly knocked off balance by someone coming into the shop, because they could not see he was going out at the same time they were coming in.


Discussion: Jim Spallone advised The Villages Property Management has already ordered the new doors, however, we can have a window put in once the new door is installed. 


New Business:  Bill McGinnis asked the Board to discuss whether the Stained-Glass Group should continue to be part of the woodworkers’ club; due to space problems, mission of the woodworkers’ club, not having their own budget (presently they are under the carver’s budget), not being a part of the Executive Operations Committee (EOC); not following the club’s operational practices and procedures. As a brief history, stained-glass was introduced to the club by carver, many years ago. This member gave some stained-glass classes and the group has been grandfathered into the club since that time.    


Discussion:  Members discussed the pros and cons of maintaining this group.  Bill asked two Board members to put together a proposal concerning the pros and cons for presentation at the next Board meeting on June 22nd.  Bob Bell and Harm Borfitz volunteered.


Bill McGinnis asked the Board to start considering whether initiation fees and member dues should be increased in 2018.  Treasure, Doug Parks advised monetarily there is no reason to kick up the dues.


Old Business:  None  


Motion to adjourn the meeting made by Harm Borfitz and second by Bernie Harkins and unanimously approved by all. Meeting adjourned at 7:40pm


Meeting minutes prepared by Patty Porter, VWC Secretary on May 30, 2017

Minutes approved by the Board of Directors:  June 22, 2017