The Villages Woodworkers Club

Board of Directors Meeting

May 23, 2019


Call to Order

A board of directors meeting of The Village Woodshop was held on May 23, 2019 at 704 Oak Street The Villages, Florida.  The meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM and was presided over by Mike Cromwell, Chairman. A quorum was not met nor established.



Voting members in attendance included:

Harm Borfitz, Mike Cromwell, Judi Meyers, John Warner, Bob Bell, Alvin Corenblum


Members not in attendance included:

Stephen Yovan, Glenn Croteau, John Scott


Guests in attendance included:

Doug Parks, Mike Borfitz


Non-BOD guest Business

Approval of Previous Minutes

·         Motion to approve the minutes of the previous May 23, 2019 could not be approved as we did not have a quorum. Minutes should be approved at the next meeting.


Officers’ Reports

Chairman Report was presented by Mike Cromwell:

·         Dave Adamovich wants to pull $3,000 out of the next quarter router budget and move it into this quarter.  The board felt this did not need board approval as it was just a transfer of money.

·         During the April BOD meeting the following motion was proposed. In order to receive an exemption for monitor duty a member would be required to put in a minimum of 36 hours of service per year. All non-exempt members will be required to put in 24 hours of monitor duty (6 four-hour shifts) per year starting in 2020.  There was a motion by Harm Borfitz to accept the motion and it was seconded by Judi Meyers with a majority voting in the affirmative. There was some confusion about this motion and Mike Cromwell agreed to take the lead to clear up this matter. Mike will put out a written memo to the officers of the BOD explaining what the monitor requirements will be for both the general membership and those members who are exempt from monitor duty.

·          The certification of 20 new members per month continues as planned.

·         A proposal concerning the distribution of the Board of Directors Minutes has been withdrawn by the author, Mike Cromwell and will become a moot point. 


President’s Report was presented by Mike Borfitz.

·         The new shop will break ground in July.

·         Meetings continue with the villages, and its contractors.

·         A discussion on how the villages will monitor capacity of use of the shop was presented.

·         At this moment toys will stay at the old location and special projects will move into the new shop.


Vice President Report was presented by Jim Spallone

·         No report.


Treasure Report Presented by Doug Parks

·         Presented Balance Sheets (See Hand Out)

·         Motion to approve the treasure’s report could not be made as we did not have a quorum. The report should be approved at the next meeting.


Shop Administrator Presented by Glenn Croteau

·         No report.


Safety Committee Report

·         Nothing Significant.


Other Reports

·         During the last certification 3 of the 20 people failed to make the certification classes. A discussion was started about a non-refundable certification fee which might help to reduce no shows.


Main Motions




Motion to adjourn meeting could not be made.


(Signature & Date)