Toy Production Guidelines Resolution

Toy Production Guidelines

Proposal to Provide Guidelines for Toy Production at VWC

Background: Whereas "building toys for needy children" was one of the founding tenets for establishing The Villages Woodworkers Club, it is important to retain that function. As the department has increased production over the years, more organizations in the area have become aware of this generous practice resulting in increasing requests for toys. With the growth of the Club, it is also important to provide some direction for the Toy Department such that they can perform their function with goals in mind rather than facing a never-ending increase in production.

Proposal: Be it proposed that the Toy Department of The Villages Woodworkers Club be given Board of Directors authorization to:

·        Limit toy production to no more than 6000 toys in a calendar year and production costs to $15,000, whichever comes first; and

·        Limit distribution to organizations within the tri-county area of Marion, Lake and Sumter counties.

Furthermore, income raised by, and for, the Toy Department is insufficient to cover the costs of this function. The Toy Department is encouraged to continue their efforts to increase donations. The Board must recognize, and support the fact, that general Club money-making
efforts, donations, initiation fees and dues will, in part, contribute to the toy-making initiative.

Passed: September BOD Meeting

Date: 09/24/2015